Today was very tiring. I just can't wait to hop into the bed. Driving is something which requires good amount of skills and driving especially in the US if you're new to the country can give you goose bumps.

Take my example, as I am used to the Left hand driving in India it's very painful to adjust to right hand driving. I often end up going on the wrong side. Unlearning what you learnt is definitely not easy. Today I had my
Behind-the-wheel driving test. But my real test already began when I took a rental car and drove all the way to work which was not without its twists and turns.
I missed an exit and even with
GPS which is like your friendly navigator I struggled to find the route back leading to the interstate highway. I was so nervous that I parked myself at the Target shopping center and was trying to stay calm. My throat was parched, my heart racing as I buried my head deep in my hands and was trying to muster the courage to hit the road again. It was akin to
Fight or Flight. I was getting impulsive and my first instinct was telling me to abandon the Car in the parking lot and take a BART train but then there was something within me (maybe my inner voice) which kept prodding me to not give up. This was my opportunity to set the demons at rest.
I heard my inner voice and finally did reach work. I survived the scare of a huge truck which was tailing my car and nerve wracking movements especially on the interstate highway. Though I
flunked my driving test due to certain critical driving errors I can take heart from the fact that its not the end of the road and tomorrow is another day. I loved my driving examiner. Even though she failed me, she was kind enough to reschedule my appointment and point out my mistakes apart from extending my temporary license.
When I returned home and told my brother what happened he just couldn't stop laughing his heart out. I was obviously not very much happy about it :(
(Image courtesy: