Despite man's advancement in science and technology there's nothing one can do against the force of nature. The earthquake and then the
tsunami in Japan is a testimony to that. Compounding the misery is the real threat of a nuclear meltdown.
This is a
grim and
sober moment for the people of Japan and those who have lost their near and dear ones. Amid the large scale devastation and havoc what is commendable is that the people have remained calm. Atleast this is what the article in
The Hindu had mentioned. There was no screaming and panic.
Also despite the wall of water which swept across the coastal villages and cities, some of the houses withstood the destruction. A tribute to the architecture which was built keeping the previous quake experiences in mind.
Japan being in highly active
seismic zone has done the best it could. The earthquake drills in schools, a highly efficient Tsunami warning system, earthquake
resilient building structures. Yet a
9.0 magnitude earthquake which rips apart the earth's crust building a wall of water
30 feet high can overwhelm anyone however prepared they maybe.
There are lessons to be learnt here. If the toll in Japan is in thousand(s), then one can imagine the consequences in ill prepared and densely populated countries like India and China. Even developed countries are not immune. Recent example(s) being
Christchurch, New Zealand. Here in California, where I had already experienced mild tremors twice in a span of 1 year the tsunami
ripples has effected atleast 2 major ports.
Coming back to the quake in Japan,
rebuilding won't be easy but we can only hope and pray that people whose lives have been turned upside down will gather the strength and courage to put this tragedy behind them.
(References: http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/article1529889.ece)
(Image courtesy: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/picturethis/2014489938_pt_before_after.html)