A new post for the new year :) The movie's tagline says it all "Naked women, Naked greed". The last movie directed by Martin Scorsese I had watched was "The Departed". It was beautifully made with excellent performances. I was expecting the same from "The Wolf of Wall Street" and the movie doesn't let you down. Based on a true story, Leonardo Di Caprio playing the character of Jordan Belfort slips effortlessly into the shoes and deserves an oscar nomination. Like the principal character, the movie was a roller coaster ride high on drugs.
What surprised me was the liberal dose of sex and expletives. Some women in the audience just got up and left. I guess it was too much even for them.
As one of my friends had mentioned, the movie definitely isn't for family audiences rather I would suggest it's for mature audience :)
(References: https://www.google.com/search?q=wolf+of+wall+street+images&)