Friday, June 29, 2007

Today is d-day for gadget lovers around the world who are waiting with bated breath for the I-Phone which is scheduled for release today in the U.S. Apple just like Google stands at the cusp of innovation. It changed how the world looks @ PC's with it's macintosh. It re-wrote a new chapter in the music world with it's I-pod and now comes the I-Phone which is a mobile phone integrated with an I-pod plus a host of other features.

From the newspaper columns which shows photographs of people who have been waiting patiently outside the stores in U.S one could sense what the hype is all about :) Priced in the range of USD 499 to USD 600 it seems very expensive compared to conventional mobile handsets. However the positive reviews the I-phone has generated (it does have it's flaws too) makes it hard to resist. :) I have a antique handset which is a Motorala C115 and I am looking for a change. Just like the prices of other handsets which have come down over a period of time, I hope the same happens with the I-Phone..:)

Nothing beat's a friday and the lovely weather for the past few days has only added to the excitement. We had a birthday celebration today wherein all the newcomers were introduced and the birthday bunnies cut the cake :) As usual, I couldn't resist the temptation of taking a bite :)

There was a prize distribution ceremony where the winners of the singles and doubles table-tennis matches were felicitated. It was quite funny when the winners started giving speeches oscar/filmfare style by thanking god, their families and ofcourse kissing the trophy and waving to the audience :) The audience couldn't help stop laughing :)

Weekend time..Yipee and I plan to catch up on a movie "Fantastic Four: Rise of the silver surfer" :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
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Thanks Frank