And today there is one more wedding I have to attend. Last night was truly knocking. There was fun and frolic at Jal Vihar a hangout at the necklace road near Hussainsagar lake. After a long time I grooved to the music and shook my leg :) The only sore point was the stench pervading the air obviously from the lake. It's sad that lake which was one of the main attractions of the twin cities has turned to a dumping ground for industrial effluents. People too have played a part by littering the waste.
(Image source: Yahoo news)

My favourite channel now-a-days is NDTV and CNN-IBN closely following the news on Mumbai terror attacks. The sight of slain NSG Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan's mother caressing and kissing her son oblivious to the attention of people nearby was poignant and touching.
The small baby which lost its jewish parents and was rescued by a nanny or a family of five which lost its sole bread winner makes you wonder what's it that the terrorists have gained by wreaking such mayhem whatever their cause. No matter which religion they belong to...killing, maiming or slaughtering innocents is definitely not on. I have not seen heaven or hell however if the terrorists were sure their acts would become a pathway to heaven, no it isn't...they deserve to burn in hell.
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