Personally even I feel let down by the events back home but what has amused me is the raves and rants of these so called NRIs who can't but go on criticizing everything that India stands for...and there is no marks for guessing it's the negative attributes and bad press.

For these NRIs merrily ensconced in the creature comforts of the west, they remember India only when it generates bad news. They feel humiliated before their western counterparts and take out their umbrage by posting messages on Facebook, blogging etc.. As someone rightly said, tomorrow even if India were to be submerged they care a damn as long as they are safe in their adopted home.
There is no doubt that Commonwealth is a prestigious event but there are far more pressing issues which need urgent attention. The tax payer whose money has been utitilzed ( or misutilized :)) for this event would have been more than happy if the money was spent wisely.
Why can't these so called NRIs share or contribute their might towards a better India by raising issues such as farmers suicides, rising inflation, dismal infrastructure, inadequate housing etc.. Giving armchair advice is easy however one shouldn't forget that every Indian or for that matter any nationality when abroad is an ambassador for his/her country.
I personally know of one such NRI who was very eager to get rid of his Indian passport in favour of his adopted country. So what is his favorite pastime now? Posting status updates on facebook making fun of the CWG games and worse some of the jokes are poorly written and may very well qualify as PJs :)
Although it looks like CWG bashing in reality it's more of India bashing.
NRI's no longer stands for Non Resident Indians but as the joke goes around Not Required Indians and even I am one of them :)
(Image courtesy:
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