Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Makeover

The date: November 8th 2006 when I first started writing my web log or blog in short. I named my blog "A day in my life". It's been 5 years since. I just can't believe how time flew. One notable thing about these 5 years of writing has been that initially I would update my blog daily. I had this passion for writing and the blog was a perfect medium.

As days went by the lazy bug took over and my writing came down to only 2 or 3 blog entries a month. The title of my blog "A day in my life" was no longer relevant and I felt "Snapshots of my life" was more appopriate :) Things have only gotten worse since then. Now I can barely manage to write only once a month and sometimes not at all.

As we step into the New Year, I thought to brighten things up a bit. So to begin with, I decided to give a makeover to my site. For those who have been regular readers of my blog, please do let me know what do you think about the look and feel of the new site.

Here's wishing you all a safe, prosperous and Happy New Year 2012 :)

(Image courtesy: