Monday, January 30, 2012


I had always thought of Avocado as a fruit and never imagined that it's more like a vegetable which is used mostly in salads. I must confess that I have become a big fan of Avocado. Last time I tasted Avocado was when I was visiting my cousin. Today due to a busy schedule I had skipped lunch. To makeup for that, I sliced a Avocado into two, scooped out the fleshy part into a bowl and sprinkled some salt. Then I took a spoon and mixed it thoroughly.

I spread the avocado paste on to a slice of bread. When I started munching the bread, it felt like heaven. I thought that cheese and bread were made for each other...I guess I am wrong. Substitute it with Avocado. The rich buttery feel of avocado flesh makes it a healthy substitute (has a lot of vitamins and is rich in mono unsaturated fats) to cheese and taste wise, it beats cheese hands down. The only sore point with the Avocado is that it turns brownish very soon, even if you refrigerate it. After researching the web, I did find a solution - Lemon Juice :) Now that did have some desired effect but not totally...however it works for me :)

(Image courtesy:

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