Friday, August 24, 2007

What does it take to become a successful leader? This was the question posed to us by our new Delivery Manager. She herself gave the answer by saying that you don't become a leader just to display your power over subordinates like Hitler, but by empowering and delegating your responsibilities. I agree with her. A recent news item says that bad bosses are the number 1 reason for employees to leave and adding insult to injury they are also promoted in the organization.

All in all it was an interesting interaction with our new DM where she shared her valuable experience(s) with us. It's a good start coz how many bosses take pains to come and talk to the employees rather than sitting cozily in their cabins.

It's friday and the end of another working week. I need to get up early tomorrow and finish my household chores. Thinking of catching up on a movie :)

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