Friday, January 19, 2007

It was Friday morning and as usual I was waiting for my office bus @ the bus stop. I see this lady who has a small child dressed in school uniform accompanying her. The lady who is wearing a saree looks very frail, you can say almost malnourished. Her teeth was stained dark red which gives an indication that she eats a lot of betel leaf.

I could make out that she is from the lower strata of society probably doing hard labour. However what was striking was even though the mom was shabbily dressed she saw to it that her kid was neatly dresssed. Truly if there was a class divide nothing can be starker than this. As a mom she knows it's education that would give her son the best chance to do well in life. That reminded me of my own mom and countless other mothers who endure a lot of pain and suffering for the sake of their kids so that their children can have a better future.

I had my client interview yesterday. And what a formidable distance it was. It took us 1 hour to reach the destination. It's like going from one end of the city to the other. But the Philips Innovation Campus @ Hebbal was too cool. Right from the reception lobby, the whole campus has been aesthetically designed.

The interview lasted for a good 2 hours and I was totally drained out by the time it ended. My main concern was how will I reach home..thankfully "Philips" had its own transport shuttle.

At office today, I came to know that one of my colleagues who had an interview after me..his session lasted for 3 hours. I must admire the patience of the interviewer who could take a session of nearly 5 hours. Every interview is a learning experience wherein we get to assess our strengths and weaknesses. This intervew was no different.

In the evening, the Videocon technician finally turned up and now my washing machine is up and touchwood the weekends needn't be nightmarish anymore. I can just put my clothes in the washing machine and relax. However I need to mop up the floor tomorrow and ofcourse..yuck.. clean up the carcasses of the dead cockroaches.

I must admit the Baygon spray was quite effective. The cockroaches continue to die even a day after spraying the insecticide. I am praying and hoping that the cockroaches don't develop resistance or immunity to the insecticide..:)

Yipee it's a weekened and hopefully I'll get to meet some of my friends and probably visit some hotspots in the town..:)

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