Monday, January 15, 2007

It was a hectic Sunday for me. I bought the household items like buckets, mugs, hangars, cooking pot, mini gas cylinder..all of which come upto a neat INR 1480.

In the afternoon I also mopped the floor with a detergent. It was really hard work cleaning 2 bedrooms, hall and the kitchen. But I enjoyed it as it was more of a workout. My landlord used to come now and then curious to know what's going on.

In the evening after much deliberation, I went and brought a Videocon fuzzy logic washing machine which came with a price tag of INR 9500. The only thing now missing is a television..:)

Monday morning was pretty cool as the roads were deserted and everyone seemed to be in a holiday mood. Today it was the auspicious Hindu festival of "Makara Sankranthi"

We were given the option to leave early by our Delivery Manager..however most of us except for some..stayed back till 6:15 when we have our shuttle.

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