Wednesday, February 28, 2007

For the past couple of days there has been a rise in the temperature. The nights are getting warmer. Earlier I used to cover myself with a blanket and switch off the fan in the middle of the night. Now even with the fan on I could still sense the heat.

In the morning there was bit of drama in the office shuttle. The cab was full with people sitting on seats which had the capacity of only 2 people. The cab driver stopped the vehicle midway insisting that some people get down. One of the passengers who works in the HR was livid @ the suggestion. He said that its not the employees fault that the cab is full and when the company is deducting INR 1000 towards conveyance it's not fair to ask people to get down and hire an auto.

I totally agreed with him. In the end the cabdriver relented however not before one of the persons in the cab got down and took an auto. We felt sad for him.

Today was the first day of our corporate induction program. It gave us a brief insight into the organization. Around 4 p.m our project team had a small birthday celebration for those, whose birthday fell in the month of February. New comers(included me and Vijay) had to give a brief introduction about ourselves and play a game.

The birthday cake was really yummy and after a long time, I tasted the Samosa..:)

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